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Perfect Pink Dozen Roses

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Perfect Pink Dozen Roses

Make a statement! This lush arrangement of 12 pink roses and greeneryin a vase can be a fabulously romantic gift.

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Unveiling the beauty of your Bourkes Florist bouquet

Perfect Pink Dozen This product is called the Perfect Pink Dozen, and it is available for purchase on the website Bourkes Florist. It is the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just because. The bouquet features a dozen gorgeous pink flowers, expertly arranged to create a stunning visual display. The Perfect Pink Dozen is a classic and timeless choice that is sure to impress. The flowers used in this bouquet are carefully selected to ensure that they are fresh and vibrant, so you can be confident that you are giving the very best. Whether you are sending this bouquet to someone special or treating yourself, it is sure to brighten any space and bring a smile to the recipient's face. There are many benefits to choosing the Perfect Pink Dozen as your floral gift. The color pink is often associated with love, romance, and femininity, making it a popular choice for expressing your affection. The arrangement of a dozen flowers creates a sense of abundance and luxury, making the recipient feel truly special. Additionally, the carefully arranged bouquet will last longer and require minimal maintenance, so you can enjoy its beauty for days to come. If you're looking for the perfect gift that will make a lasting impression, the Perfect Pink Dozen is the way to go. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, this bouquet is sure to do the trick. Order now and make someone's day a little bit brighter.

Our flowers, hamper items, and plants are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the pictured items are unavailable, we will substitute them with items of the same shape, style, and color palette to ensure fresh, quality products are delivered. If you have chosen a design with one flower type (e.g., all roses) and these are unavailable, we may contact you to discuss a suitable substitute. If we cannot make contact, a decision may be made to send what is available in-store to ensure delivery on your chosen date. Vases, bears, hamper items, and chocolates may vary from pictured items. Flowers may be delivered as tight buds to ensure maximum longevity.

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